Product Description
Electrode deposition by Magnetron Sputtering with our professional sputter coater.
Stainless steel vacuum chamber diameter 600 mm, with three 100 mm diameter target, with turbo pump (for oxidize metal such as copper and aluminum)
Price is for one run with thickness up to 100 nm. Can fit 350 mm x 350 mm square or other dimension (edges may be thinner, best for 250 mm x 250 mm size with uniform electrode thickness) (about 400 mm diameter): price is for 400 mm diameter. Price will be higher if sample is larger than 400 mm diameter (requires longer sputter time and more gold for uniform thickness).
Price includes sample preparation such as IPA cleaning and plasma treatment to improve the adhesion.
Second run will be $100 lower in cost.
It can be used for customer designed piezo sensors, EAP actuators, ultrasound transducers, electrocaloric ECE cooling device, electrostatic film, perform high voltage dielectric ASTM test, and any other applications.
We can also provide special masks based on customer design with additional cost.
We have in-house picosecond UV laser to fabricate masks with stainless steel to reduce the lead time.
This list is for 100 nm gold with chromium adhesion layer
Metal electrodes: Gold, chromium, aluminum or copper, silver, Platinum, etc.
Price is for ONLY ONE surface (one sputtering run)