Product Description
Related Publications:
1. Science, VOL 321,page 821, 2008; Large Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric Polymers Near Room Temperature
2. Nature, Vol 600, No 7890, Dec 23, 2021 High-entropy polymer produces a giant electrocaloric effect at low fields. Xiaoshi Qian, Shihai Zhang, Qiming Zhang, etc.
1. Invented by Professor Qiming Zhang at The Pennsylvania State University, directly measure heat generated by the ECE materials.
2. Intrinsically accurate calibration process to ensure heat measurement accurate.
3. Integrated sample holder for easy switch between calibration and high voltage test.
4. Protection circuit to protect the Stanford Research Systems SR560 preamplifier.
5. Miniature heat flux sensor that can measure both heat flux and temperature. Very small size with minimal thermal mass. Response speed: faster than 0.1 second; Thermal resistance: 0.01 oF /BTU/ft2-hr; Output signal: >3 uV/BTU/ft2-hr; heat capacity: 0.02 BTU/ft2/oF.
6. Genuine Stanford Research Systems SR560 preamplifier with broad bandwidth, noise filtering, and amplification factor.